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on 5 Mars, 2019 635 visninger

I took the bellows off for inspection and made you this short video when reinstalling it to show you how to put it back on with as little frustration as possible. Boat in video is a 1984 Bayliner Capri with an AQ125B Volvo Penta 4 cyl cylinder motor and it is the open bow openbow model out drive repair replacement marine ocean lake cuddy under powered diy do it yourself mount fix inspect whole has correct suppose a flex flexable flexible tube 1982 1983 82 83 1986 1987 1988 86 87 88 1989 89 demonstration demo carl quakenbush quackenbush fix repair connect loosen prop propeller leg pin inlet motor valuable info lift tilt trim electric power flap best practice 4 cyl cylinder tip tips trick my your ujoint u joint axle drive shaft bank owned t shirt

Kategorier: Volvo Penta
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