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on 28 April, 2017 1,581 visninger

Episode 3 of overhauling the Volvo penta tamd41 marine engine. Many of the Volvo Penta engines from this era is very similar, so most of this series will be relevant for owners of other engines including tamd and tmd series, D and AD series from 1988- 1993, AQAD series and KAD series. In this episode I fix a leaking oil cooler.

Partlist OEM Part #:

1. - 838968 Oil cooler SN-2204125874

1. - 859526 Oil cooler SN2204125875-

2. - 838814 Coolant Pipe

3. - 943475 Hose clamp

4. - 944386 Rubber Hose

5. - 838971 Coolant Pipe

6. - 949658 O-Ring

7. - 847108 Pipe Retainer

8. - 807182 Spacer Sleeve

9. - 838970 Brace

10. - 948217 FLANGE SCREW


Kategorier: Volvo Penta
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John-André  Ognheim
Could be nice to put in all vp parts numbers for all o rings... Here in the description. Tnx
4 Oktober, 2022
‌ Informasjonen er lagt til 1f642.png
5 Januar, 2023