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on 21 Februar, 2019 276 visninger

Sorry i only got half of this video and also sorry my finger got in the way near the end. After this guy had nailed several boats i decided that this was going to be as good as a UFO video so i cranked up the iphone. a few bystanders said his slip is on the left just this side of the smaller Sea Ray (about 5 slips out on the left side). when we got there, he was out of the slip and all the way back near us and the boats on the left. So.... if he was drunk, he's toast since the harbor patrol hooked up to him right after the last crash. if he isn't drunk, i'd recommend non-motorized vehicles rather twin inboards in a 35ish foot boat fly bridge. His chick never screamed at him that we could hear. This happened about 1PM on memorial day 2013. boat crash

edit. for you nut jobs that think i could have helped. there's locked gate going out to each row of slips

edit 2. yes, i know how to drive a boat this size. if anyone wants to quiz me, give it a whirl. let me know if i've got counter ro and a bow thruster before you start....

edit 3. anyone who thinks someone should board the guy's boat is dumber than dumb unless you know him. also, how would you go about getting on the boat? there were many people on that row of slips. could they have helped? don't think so. you need to ask for help.

Kategorier: Diverse båt
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